Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Meaning of Life?

In an age of instant access and instant gratification, where every aspect of our lives is played out on the digital stage of cyberspace, where our popularity is measured by who we know and how we look parading across our own private live-feed billboard, I can’t help but think that we know so much yet so little of each other. What drives us, motivates us, inspires us and moves us to tears? What is our passion and what are our fears? What emotions are we willing to change at the push of a button and which emotions remained locked away, preserved by the raw, unadulterated humanity that resides in all of us? Quite simply, who are we really? Occasionally, among the random blog or habitual “tweeting” there will be a glimmer of this gem of humanity: a question of true romance, a lyric or song moving in its simplicity, a tearful farewell or shattered love. Slow down long enough and you might learn to appreciate them.

Life, it’s the most important commodity we will ever know and the very one we take so little time to enjoy. Beauty is abundant in our world, but so often ignored in favor of success and status. Joy is scarce when lives are not hopeful, peace is rarely felt and true love rarely known when hearts are hardened toward one another. Who are we really? Will we ever know the truth behind the façade? More importantly, will we take the time to care? You can either make life your own, or let life own you. Humanity has not changed so much that we do not still seek to love and be loved, to dream and to transform these dreams into a reality. Chivalry has not died, it has merely been forgotten. True love survives; it is simply waiting to be found by someone who cares enough to search for it.

Life is many things: peace, hope, love, opportunity, risk, success, failure, growth, joy, sadness, and an unforgettable ride. What role we take in life is a choice we all make: hero, villain, sinner, saint, pauper or prince. Whatever we choose to become, we must live our lives never forgetting how to live as though there is no tomorrow. May we remember that no good thing ever dies, and when the final chapter of your life is written, may these words speak true:

Life is beautiful.